Monday, December 1, 2014

What kinds of technology tools can be used to address visual-spatial or motor control difficulties?

There are many challenges in math that can arise due to visual-spatial or motor control difficulties. These challenges include:

  • writing numbers
  • aligning digits
  • illegible work
  • digits written in the wrong place-value position
  • difficulty working with fractions, decimals, and percents
  • difficulty with lines, angles, and 2D and 3D shapes

These issues become magnified as the content becomes more complex. Here are tools that can help.

MathPad provides a talking worksheet enhanced by many options to assist a wide spectrum of needs.

Virtual Pencil Arithmetic and VP Algebra provide alternatives to using a pencil. It has many features such as voice feedback to help students who cannot see.

Number Navigator can help help solve basic math problems.

MathType can help students create and solve equations.

Dell, A. G., Newton, D. A., & Petroff, J. G. (2012). Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing the School Experiences of Students with Disabilities (2nd ed., pp. 125-128). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

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