Monday, December 1, 2014

A Look Back at my Journey in Assistive Technology

As I am completing my first semester at Cabrini, I am glad I had the chance to begin with a course on assistive technology. What is wonderful is that the course has served as an overview of the many topics I anticipate exploring more deeply over the next couple years. This was done through the lense of technology, a topic I really enjoy.

As I look at my postings throughout the course (this has been my first blog), the first thing I notice is that my postings become more concise and, therefore, more accessible and interesting to readers. The second thing I notice is that I have become more comfortable and even fluent in the language of special education.

I look forward to applying what I have learned to my own classes. I have already begun contemplating ways to make my subject more accessible to students based on what I learned during this course.

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