Monday, October 20, 2014

What technology is available to students who are hard of hearing?

We just took a look at some challenges that students who are hard of hearing face. Fortunately, there are many tools to help these students. Hearing assistive technology can alert users of the presence of sound, and include devices like smoke detector indicators, shaking alarm clocks, door beacons, blink receivers, and baby cry signalers. Assistive learning devices focus on a specific sound like a teachers voice and amplify it clearly for the students. These devices include FM systems, infrared systems, induction loop systems, and soundfield amplification systems.

FM systems use wireless microphone worn by the teacher which transmits to a receiver worn by the child.

Infrared systems are similar to FM systems but the signal is less distorted, and more private since it cannot travel through walls.

An induction loop system uses wires which around the entire classroom which pickup signals from the teachers microphone and transmits them directly to the student’s hearing aid.
A soundfield amplification system used loudspeakers to amplify the teacher’s voice to the entire class.

There is also help for students outside of class. Many computer applications like e-mail, instant messaging, message boards, skype and blogs make communication easier. Text messaging on phones also provides a very portable means of expression.


Dell, A. G., Newton, D. A., & Petroff, J. G. (2012). Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing the School Experiences of Students with Disabilities (2nd ed., pp. 139-160). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

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