Monday, October 20, 2014

What apps are available on the iPad to assist children with autism?

Having watched Lauren Meatty’s presentation and seeing all of the apps available on the iPad, I can certainly say that I can see the benefits of this device in the classroom. I would be very excited to use it with children with autism spectrum disorders. The most important apps introduced  assisted communication. She said that these apps have changed the live of children who cannot speak well. Yes/No gives a way for students to answer yes or no to questions. It also allows the teacher to program it with other responses, such as a choice of drink at snack time. Sonic Pics allows the user to upload pictures and narrate them. This can then be e-mailed to parents to give a snapshot into the student’s day. Speak It says whatever is typed. Proloquo2go is a powerful app which uses symbols to help children communicate. Sonoflex is similar, but arranges symbols by themes. It also provides questions to common personal questions such as the age of the user.

1 comment:

  1. This is an informative post. I particularly like the Proloquo2go app for autistic non-verbal students. It allows the student to communicate no matter where they are located.
