Monday, September 22, 2014

A Great Introduction to UDL

Being completely new the Universal Design framework, I needed an introduction that would give a brief overview, but more importantly, let me see what is being done with it and give me ideas of how I can incorporate it into my own teaching. UDL Tech Toolkit turned out to be the practical introduction that I needed.

The main purpose of this site is to highlight free or inexpensive internet-based tools assisting the teacher in providing multiple means of engagement and expression. Below you can see the site’s hub which classifies tools by subject.

Some tools are web-based. Others are downloadable for PC, Mac, or tablet.

I enjoyed using Spelling City, where teachers create online spelling tests. Once the test is created, students can hear the words alone and in sentences as many times as they need. I tried to stump the program with difficult words, but it was ready!

Now that I have had a chance to see some of the many tools to facilitate UDL, I will take a further look into the research behind the framework.

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